Strategic Policy & Coordination Division

The Strategic Policy and Coordination (SPC) Division is headed by an Executive Manager – SPC, who reports directly to the Deputy Chief Censor. The Division is responsible for providing support to the Board by leading the formulation and development, monitoring and reviewing of policy guidelines on Censorship in Papua New Guinea.
The Division carries out research and reports on the impact of mass media on the spiritual, cultural, moral and ethical fabric of society. The Division is also responsible for analyzing, evaluating and advising on the policy impact of the program on censorship.
It also collates statistical data and disburses information on the impact of mass media. It also strategizes options for policy advice for medium to long-term plans, formulates budget strategies, and evaluates implementation performance. It is also responsible for the production of annual sector reports, submissions to the Executive Government on Legislative and policy changes, and other periodic reports and publications.
The Division consists of two (2) sections which are:
- Mass Media and Programs; and
- Awareness & Publicity
The Mass Media and Programs Branch consists of two (2) sections; 1) Research and 2) Policy. The Research Section is responsible for analyzing data, carrying out research, and providing reports to the management on their findings in relation to censorship issues while the Policy section is responsible for the development of policy frameworks and evaluation targets on KPAs and annual plans for the Office. These two sections work together to accomplish or meet the aim of the Office which is to ensure that the public is safeguarded against indecent and unwanted information.
The Awareness & Publicity Branch is mainly concerned with the dissemination of vital information that is much needed by the public in terms of their understanding of Censorship and why it exists in the country.
The branch is responsible for preparing publications such as brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, posters, and other items targeted at sharing information about the Office of Censorship. The Branch is also responsible for carrying out ongoing awareness programs to the community, schools, and partners to help the people understand the importance of Censorship and to practice self-censorship within their homes and communities.