Papua New Guinea Classification Ratings

Office of Censorship

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea Film Classification Ratings

Office of Censorship

Papua New Guinea


Chief Censor - Mr. Jim Abani

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to the Office of Censorship under the Ministry for Religion, Youth and Community Development. As I look back over the last thirty-three (33) years of the Office’s journey and reflect back on the changes that are taking place in today’s digital space, we need to appreciate where we can build to share our information and disseminate it through all forms of communication mediums.

The Office of Censorship is rebranding through its Awareness & Publicity to ensure our clients, stakeholders, and development partners have experience of the reforms the office is embarking on. There have been improvements in the Office’s internal ICT infrastructure, prioritizing what needs to be attended to immediately, and as part of these improvements in our corporate image, we have redeveloped our website to have that transformational change.

As we acknowledge thirty-three (33) years of the Office of Censorship existence and reflect on its successes. I encourage everyone to browse through our website to gain a clearer perspective of our operations and we look forward to your comments to assist us to develop better.

God Bless you all!