Office of Censorship Women Commemorate National Women’s Day
Office of Censorship women commemorated National Women’s Day with students and teachers of Marrianville Secondary School in Port Moresby on Monday, 25th of March by conducting awareness to them on censorship roles including sharing of personal experiences and stories to inspire young girls and also remembering the women leaders that have gone before them and counting in young girls and women that are coming after them.
Women who are in managerial positions with the Office were selected to share with the students and teachers their experiences as women in the Public Service working with the Office of Censorship. Aligning with the theme: “Count Her In: Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.” Women censors were identifying Marrianville Secondary as an all- girls school by counting them in and investing in them information about Office of Censorship also inspiring them by sharing with them their personal experiences and stories.
There were four speakers and the first speaker was Deputy Chief Censor, Ms. Ilikomau Ali, who reflected back on her journey, by saying that this year’s theme gave prominence to her life back in 2014, when she was just a junior officer, never had any managerial experience, although she was in the public service for over 10 years. The management of the Office of Censorship, counted her in by giving her the job as Executive Manager overseeing the Strategic Policy and Coordination Division. After seven years with the Office, she was then elevated to the role as the Deputy Chief Censor and accelerating progress for the office in her capacity. She further emphasized, that as a woman leader, her role now is to be a role model and mentor to the female colleague staff as well as being supportive of the growth of women in their work spaces, in providing guidance and support in their line of duties and their professional growth, by participating in their programs, by demonstrating to them good character and attitude and generally be the person they aspire to be.
The second speaker was the Acting Executive Manager for Enforcement & Compliance Division, Mrs, Poveta Posa. She gave her experiences on working amongst male colleagues and how she managed to overcome her fears in believing in herself. She encouraged the students to believe in themselves so they can achieve what they want to achieve just like any other male counterparts out there by remaining focus.
The third speaker was the Principal Research Officer, Ms. Hale Lahui. She gave an insight on the importance of the power of choice that one makes as an individual, and how those decisions can make you soar or drown you. She encouraged the students that when you make good decisions, they lead to good consequence but when you make bad decisions, they lead to bad consequences that can crash your dreams.
The final speaker was the Corporate Services Division Executive Manager, Mrs. Nancy Kilala, who has 26 years of working experiences in the public service. She shared with the students that her biggest achievement was the establishment of the Corporate Services Division in the Office of Censorship. She encouraged the young women to embrace team work and be counted in every conversation and opportunities as teamwork is the heart of great achievement and to invest your time in every opportunity given and you should not stop there but to accelerate progress in what you have started.
Students of Marrianville Secondary School were encouraged to look up to these women as their role models and be inspired to reach greater heights.
The program ended with presentation of the National Women’s Day Cake and a few merchandises.